What We Believe

Failure Lab training is, at its core, communication, and culture training. It is empathy training. It is “how to be a better human” training.

The complexities of organizations are endless. There will always be new org charts, new hires, new production issues, new sales obstacles, and new interpersonal conflicts.

The common denominator is people. At Failure Lab, we believe that if the people who make up an organization are more self-aware, thoughtful, empathic, and effective in communication - the answers will reveal themselves, the pieces will fall into place, and progress will become inevitable.

It doesn’t matter what you are selling, what product you are producing, what problem you are trying to solve. If the humans in your organization constantly strive to “be better humans” and have a more nuanced understanding of those around them - the problem-solving required to elevate your organization will emerge.

Basic Tenets

Human First:

  • Skilled, connected, thoughtful, empathic humans are the foundation of great organizations and cultures.

  • Change is inevitable. The work is constantly changing. The products are constantly changing. The world is constantly changing. Changing industries need skilled, savvy, flexible humans to navigate the constant and inevitable change,   

A True Facilitation and Coaching Model: 

  • Learning happens through doing. Change happens by doing over and over and over again. This is why it was imperative to create a “true facilitation” model, which means that all Failure Lab curriculum is designed to be worked through by the participants. Less lecturing. More doing. Lots of thought experiments, perspective-shifting, and being asked to apply concepts to your actual life and interactions. 

  • “Coaching” is elevated in our model because we are sick of training that inspires but goes nowhere and does nothing. We believe that to learn and grow more effectively and efficiently, “we” (individuals, organizations, communities, and society at large) must recommit to the elevation of the “teacher/coach/guide.”

    As mentioned above, change happens by doing over and over and over again. The biggest obstacle to change and growth is not a dearth of great ideas; it is a lack of investment in the infrastructures needed to support the continuous work necessary to make change. People need support, camaraderie, and thought partnership to evolve into the best version of themselves. 

Co-Creation & Long-Term Vision:

  • You know your business. We know people. In order to create the most effective strategy for elevation and progress, we must work together to design what your organization needs - and we have to play the long game.

  • How does this happen? We believe in a simultaneous top-down, middle-out, and bottom-up approach spearheaded by upper-level and mid-level leadership. Small groups of motivated director-level leaders, middle management, and high-potential workers committed to learning, integrating, and experimenting with concepts through various spheres of influence.

Collaboration Begins with a Conversation.

How can we help your organization? We would love to chat. Reach out.